Sunday, August 15, 2010


The independence of thy nation,
Is utterly endearing for me.
Life is blessed due to Her ration,
For this is the perfect time to see.

In our country's diversity,
There is no dearth.
We, Indians have oodles of tenacity;
Which is prevalent from our birth.

India, our native land;
Is an abode of tranquillity.
We will all walk together hand-in-hand,
And prove our utmost solidarity.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bonding - An Ode To Friendship

What I feel for you, my confidant;
Is of primary concern.
All my feelings are,
Assembled into one.

The valley is green,
As you know me in and out.
Thou were beside me,
In those troubled times.

Now when I close my eyes,
I see you in the yonder.
But I can sense the proximity,
Because a friend is always there for now and forever !!